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Journal Articles
- Gulletta, G., Silva, E. C. e, Erlhagen, W., Meulenbroek, R., Costa, M. F. P., & Bicho, E. A Human-like Upper-limb Motion Planner: Generating naturalistic movements for humanoid robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, March 2021, 18.
Gulletta, G.; Erlhagen, W.; Bicho, E. Human-Like Arm Motion Generation: A Review. Robotics 2020, 9, 102.
Conference Papers
- Gulletta, G.; Araújo, S.M.; Costa e Silva, E.; Costa, M.F.; Erlhagen, W.;Bicho, E. Nonlinear optimization for human-like synchronous movements of a dual arm-hand robotic system. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathermatics, Rhodes, Greece, 22–28 September 2015; p. 140007.
- G. Gulletta, W. Erlhagen and E. Bicho, "Continual Learning of Human-like Arm Postures", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICDL49984.2021.9515565.
- Costa e Silva, E.; G. Gulletta, E. Bicho and W. Erlhagen, "Statistical analysis on the human-likeness of 3D reaching movements in humanoid robots", AIP Conference Proceedings 2611, 090005 (2022), doi: